Hebersham Public School (HPS) is located in the Mt Druitt western Sydney region. It was established in 1972 on the land of the Dharug people.
Enrolment is currently 630 students with 50% from non-English speaking backgrounds and 21% from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) backgrounds. There are 23 mainstream classes and three support classes - two for students with autism and one for students with emotional disorders.
Literacy, numeracy and student engagement are key focus areas. The positive behaviour for learning (PBL) philosophy is embedded into the school culture. The whole community has embraced the pride guide (PBL); be brave, be a learner, be respectful and be safe. These rules are displayed in all areas and are explicitly taught to students for all settings. The learning support team (LST) is well established. The PBL/LST framework supports teachers, parents and carers in ensuring students' engagement in learning. Other targeted programs include early action for success, Kagan cooperative learning structures, visible learning and play is the way.
Accelerated literacy, spelling mastery, maths mob and connected classrooms are key programs in the school. As well as the Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden program which is supported by the staff, students and community. The school has employed kitchen and garden specialists who conduct weekly lessons to all stage 2 classes.
Another focus area at our school is the successful transition of preschoolers to school, especially Aboriginal students. An Aboriginal playgroup 'Koori play and chat' operates with the Aboriginal education officer (AEO) being a key part in the group. We also have a children's first playgroup that operates each week.
Hebersham Public School also prides itself in successfully competing in the district sport and public speaking competitions and performing in dance and choral festivals. The parents and citizens association strongly supports school programs.